
Living life in my own way...
A "Way" that leads to success and to failure.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Tale of Lost Psyche: Multitasking.

Multitasking is the buzzword of the current era. We call ourselves more efficient because, unlike our ancestors, we are more efficient in multitasking. There is this old fashioned word called "perfection" in fight with ultramodern "approximation". Multitasking can be said to be derived from this new found phenomena of approximation. It is here where we do something of a lot of things in the same time and make all the different works look complete. Well, how much heart we give into each of these things is a different question all together. Some may argue that there are unimportant daily chores that we have to perform which could safely be completed by multitasking. 

Take for example of this extreme case that I noticed recently. Well, making a bit of a confession that I do not normally/usually peek into the rooms of beautiful girls, but that day I could not take my eyes off what I saw. She was beautiful but that is not the part of the discussion that I am into. She lives in a flat opposite to my room in a floor below, to make my "stares" safe. She was on a comfortable couch, perhaps trying to find some time to relax. What could be better, than to listen to one's favorite music while relaxing. She had her ipod ear plug lost into her pinna playing on full bass (may be it is an overstatement but at the least she was listening to music). But it was just in one of her beautifully pierced ears. On the other side she had a cellphone clung to her ear supported by her shoulders (hope I could rest my head on them...let it go!!). Her TV set was on (of course it was on low volume). She had her prying eyes on her favorite soap (and mine on her). Oh, how could she miss out on her favorite soap? Her right hand was busy copying some notes (may be on multitasking discourses) from another note book. If this was not enough, I saw her left hand descend into the tub of water that dipped her legs for some rinsing action. A half-fledged pedicure sauna in her room! I would rather call this multi-multi-tasking. It is tough to imagine how much she could have of everything. I wonder, how much of her heart would be there in everything she did. Resisting the temptation, all I could do was to resign the idea of thinking too much about that. I concluded that it was a simple yet strange case of lost psyche and the birth of the legend of multitasking. lol.

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