
Living life in my own way...
A "Way" that leads to success and to failure.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sipping Tropicana.....

A lot of people like to do that. Well my favourite flavour is “Guava Nectar”. It may rather seem that I am doing some sort of an ad of the drink. Hell no!

After a whole night of emergency duty in medicine ward, nothing could be more refreshing than a pack of that drink. I was there at the canteen overlooking the backyard of the med dept. It was a lot of effort straining the eyes to keep them open. There was nothing in my mind. I was just guessing how long it would be before I hit the bed. It seemed as if the clock has stopped. There was indeed a lot of work left out. Then I heard a bunch of guys of the morning shift murmuring something. I overheard them passing on some raunchy comments on a girl (of course it was not audible to her). I looked at her. And she was worth every bit of all those comments. She had a drink in her hand too. No doubt it was the same Tropicana. She was cooling herself out after that day’s class in her med postings. I couldn’t take my eyes out of the curves that she presented.


I didn’t know how that escaped out of my mouth. I never do that. I never think that I could be that mean. I looked around. There were no eyes on me. I took a breath of relief. Suddenly the murmurs got louder. Then through the corner of my eye gave another gaze.

She was giving the “profile view”. It was quite natural for her to do that but at least she pretended of being unaware of the thoughts over a guy’s mind. Great lips I thought; drenched in saliva mixed with the “guava nectar”. Am I getting too sleazy? Let me stop this narration over here despite having more in my imagination. There were some more murmurs. The guy’s got louder and bolder. I could have got too, but there was no more energy left in me. I would have stayed there longer had not been there a call to attend to.

I got busy in that day’s work. It was never again in my mind that day. I was fortunate enough to get some time sooner to hit the bed.

It seems that I am writing a dumb description of something that happened that day....Guys drooling over the girls. Well it is just the long prelude of the short event that occurred the day after. I went to the canteen to chill myself off. I saw a girl standing in the same position...having something in her hand. Well it was a drink. I got nearer. It was the same Tropicana... ”guava nectar”.

This shouldn’t be happening. Indeed yesterday I was tired but not to that extent that it would make me hallucinate. I tried to recollect and everything got clear. This girl was also there yesterday and is friends with the first one. She got so impressed with the passes that her friend received that she is standing and doing exactly what she saw her friend doing. Same style, same posture, same attitude and same perhaps everything except the fact that she was not “she”. There was no one, I mean anyone to pin passes at her. But still she was on with her venture...a practice of some sorts.

The day before I was straining to keep my eyes open but now it was like strain to keep the mouth shut. I was like having fits of laughter in my mind but still couldn’t laugh. I just gave an aerobic smile and got one return.

So in the end a little thought of the reality. People copy when they get a chance to do so. But they end up being dumb-heads.

But still I can’t stop laughing and sipping Tropicana. tummy is aching.

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