
Living life in my own way...
A "Way" that leads to success and to failure.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Not everything in life works out to be smooth. There are hiccups, there are heart aches and there are face burns, though most of them occur figuratively rather than medically. I have often felt that the cause of all these worries and agony is a face. People influence our life more than situations. In occurrences where situations are involved, they too seemed to be created by men themselves. Men imply face. These numerous happenings dot our otherwise merry-go-lucky life with unpleasant memories. I then try to draw a figure of that face in my imagination. You will be amazed by what I see in that picture. I find me. Now with years of experience of doing that, I feel like seeing more and more of me. So it turns out like a blunder to curse people zillions of time when they were actually not responsible for that. In plain and straight words I have cursed others for no fault of theirs. If I speak in a more religious manner then I would say that I have invited many a sin. But sometimes it seems relaxing to openly confess about that. 

No matter how right the saying goes that every word out of the mouth is like a Rubicon, confession is satisfying. We may conceal things to others; we may try to conceal that to our selfish self. But in reality things are different. Our conscience and the conscience of the person subjected to our curse know the reality. So how much we try, we can never hide reality. Oil and truth always gather on the surface. How hard we may try to conceal, they surface. Faces are never lost. We may even lose the name, but faces are never lost. When the earth is just a globe, time is just the ticking clock, and life a busy stock exchange, faces are the eternal truth that somewhere and out of nowhere emerge and ask us to save your grace when there is still time. Forgive often, forget more, but not the ones that you commit but the ones that others do.

Why don’t you understand?

This is one of the most common questions that people ask. This is one of the most frequent subject that people complain of. Not just that this is one of the most important topics on which arguments are centred on. It creates sourness in the relationships. And often this causes many relationships to fail at testing times.
Life is a mixture of times of happiness and adversities. Men in this world are not supposed to have a bed of roses. There are many things that bother people. Some of those bothering are related to relationships. By some common logic that governs the universe, we can safely assume that no relationship has a smooth sailing. There are moments of turbulence. These moments come when we have arguments. We always complain that the other person does not understand me. Knowingly or unknowingly we have extended the realms of the word “understanding” beyond the limits of its real sense. We commonly feel that the person does not understand me when our thoughts are not agreed to, or rather we don’t have our way the way we want to happen. There is nothing mysterious than the human thinking. Arguments continue because we feel that the person arguing does not understand us. But rather the thing is like; we are just not being able to get our ways agreed upon. 

Differences are the essence of human behaviour. They are a way to progress. They must be respected with all due sensibility. Life is the most perplexing reality where the relationships make it a pleasant journey. Assuming that we are supposed to have our way out in every of our thoughts is thoroughly insensible. On a more jovial note I would like to add that some Newtonian forces do act here. It is like, if you do not understand the other person then how are you supposed to expect that people will understand you. Being stubborn will lead you nowhere. Assumptions and prejudice are the two most important things that jeopardise the arguments that would have been healthy otherwise. We should always remember that relationships are very difficult to create and nurture but very easy to break.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Love Sandwich Patience

Patience is the biggest virtue that everyone must have. Nothing is better said than this. It is one of the most virtuous of human values as it helps to keep one’s anger within control. Sometimes though, such glorifications of human values look stupid. At some of the occasions, action, even though it incurs much damage, is warranted. There are moments in life in which your emotions, ego, attitude, and everything that can be mentioned are devalued to the gallows. 

There are some improvising questions that appear as the hallmarks of English language etiquette. One of them is “do you mind me having this?” This is something that people ask before they intend to share something of yours, or want to take something from you. Often this question irks you. There are people who won’t wait to get a response from you. They would ask and very politely take it away. How social this looks? Here you can be patient. But it turns really ugly when people do not feel it necessary to bother you with this petty and silly question of theirs... that is they take without asking. Do not they understand that not everything be taken for granted? 

It is really agonising when people take relationships in the same league. You may have a zillion peccadilloes but still you have some right to not remain patient. You feel like getting burnt down to the ashes. Sometimes something is more than enough of the many “enoughs” that care to bother us in our lives. Cannot beat about the bush any more but it really pricks when you see your girlfriend dating other men. She needed space. That is what she had said. And I had agreed. Never knew that the space she needed would be so much that it would make me loose all the little space that I had. Life is full of troubles. And troubles seem to cloud over you when you don’t speak out anything. 

You can be patient in your life. But just because you are, you cannot be on every occasion. Thinking about this is really prickly. You cannot be cool. And more than that you are a moron, when you write all these, knowing that she is not your girlfriend and it is just one sided love that you are doing. You know that eventually you will be rejected but still you  love her with all the passions in you knowing that she does not love you.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

When care is elusive from the "one"

Each time your emotional liabilities are aired out of the cocoon, your life undergoes a paradigm shift from the confines of hidden fear to the realms of profound maturity. Emotions are difficult to control. No matter how far they are from reason, they are very near to action. And these actions which are very too often maligned with emotions are not that often considered to be civil. We generally repent at such actions. Though, sometimes we make a volt face that we have done that right, but deep inside, we know how much they are really worth of.

I wonder the many questions that we ask ourselves in the fury of emotions. I wonder how much they matter in the long quest to fulfill our ambitions which we refer to us as the “greater goals in our life”. They are many: “Do I deserve this?”, “Why it’s always me?”, “Why I am the one who suffers always?”, “Why no one listens me?”, “Can’t I expect only this much?”, “Why am I so unlucky?” And a zillion others which more or less means the same.

During our course of life we learn many values. During discourses with other people we talk of many such values. We know the answer when we ask, “What we should do when we are not cared for?” We know that it’s not like we are not cared for, but it’s like we are not cared by the “one” and in the way we long to be cared for.  Just because we are not cared by that “one”, we presume that we are not cared by anyone. We cannot substitute that care by the “one”, but we should remember never to disrespect that care which we get from our family and friends. “Care” is precious; “life” is even more.  If we are able to get ourselves over such emotional liabilities then we could at least care back people who care us and be at least happy even if we cannot be the happiest person in the world.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The nasty corporate, the corrupt politicians and the ever elusive black money.

The world is now going gaga over selling. There is a multitude, which are into devising products that they can sell. They sweat day and night working out. They are in continuous pursuit to out-do each other in carving out products, services and anything charming (obnoxious) that they can sell. To do that we have hundreds of scores of people passing out of the technical colleges, business schools and management “guru-cools” mushroomed throughout the urban patches of our country. If music, dance, art, soap, oil, “services”, sex can be sold then “yoga”, “sermons” and “preaching” can also be sold. This is it if the question is just about selling.

The corporate worlds of which many of us are a part are in many ways better in corruption than the corrupt politicians. We do know it, but sometimes or rather most often, we try not thinking about it as we know that we are on a slippery turf. It is something more than clear how often money exchanges hands in not so legal ways, trading asses with axes.  We know what the bottom-line is all about and the ways to save them. There are times in which we perform things which are at loggerheads with our conscience, but we shy off from those things saying “it’s fair is business”. This is something that we learn from the very day we enter into this corporate world. Every day millions of people are duped through half clear insurance policies, sim cards, bonds, products brandished with false-promise advertisements running day long over the scores of television channels. And the more ignorant of the millions are looted. This is the simplest of the corrupt practices that are prevalent in the corporate realm. Going up, we see billions going to the hands of the people in the government to gain favour and licences for unqualified companies. There is call for transparency in the government but the private sector is something that is in the darkest of the worlds where no light of transparency can ever penetrate. Well it is a rather gigantic taboo to talk about this as it is a “dear” way to make money. 

But above all it is politics that is up for grabs for everyone. Anyone who is cunning and shrewd will persist. The ultimate seat of power is politics which everyone strives for. Lawyers, doctors, writers, businessmen, corporate honchos, bollywood celebrities and virtually anyone from any realm is welcome. There is a lot of money in politics. Whether you are in power or not it does not matter, the donations are always there. The cap on spending money in the election campaign seems miniscule to the amount that is actually spent during the campaigns. There are no records for those. Nor any one bothers to stick to the rules. Starting from the decorations, hoardings, banners, private jets “ferrying” politicians to different sites, sound systems, security of the politicians, police officials engaged in the work, food for the people in the rally to the scores of vehicles carrying the crowd form far off areas to the rally and then back home. Then there are the under carpet money, booze and sleaze and other desperate attempts that are done as the last attempts to buy the votes. As if these cost nothing! Does any of the politicians has any right to talk of corruption after all this corruption in governance and elections? Yes they do as they are the ones to raise the issues and make laws. It really does not make any sense when they accuse a “yogi” doing politics in raising the issue of corruption. If they have the right to raise the issue then everyone has. All can do politics. Politicians corrupt or otherwise, claim to do everything for the welfare of the people. Well everyone can do that. Then there are accusations of communalism. It is really hilarious in India for the political parties to accuse each other of communalism. One is responsible for Godhra, other for Sikh genocide and both for Ayodhya. And damn their mouths when they talk of communalism.

 Every issue is an issue. It has got some face value in itself. It may be the case of corruption, human rights, child labour, dowry, freedom, land acquisition, pollution or anything else. Everyone as a citizen of India has the right to do that. Especially everyone when the politicians being corrupt can raise the issue of corruption. Raise the issue, see that the proper laws are made, and then everyone can be tried within those laws- politicians or civilians or anyone- even those who has made the laws. The constitution gives the power to the politicians to serve the people and not to rule them. We make the first mistake when we say that they are the rulers, no they are the servants and the mandate is for that. Then it gives the right to speech as one of the fundamental rights from among the seven. Everyone can speak even the convicts and truants. When we talk of us being in a land of free people with civil rights, democracy and liberty and mandate, we never talk of stick, we talk of speech. 

It is certain so that anything of the otherwise can make us presume that the elusive black money rules.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Rembering The German anti-Nazi activist, Pastor Martin Niemöller

The famous poem that is still remembered to deal with the inner hypocrisy, was a masterpiece in itself.

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the communists
and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me -
and by then there was no one left to speak out for me.

It just makes me feel how right this piece of text speaks out to the inner dilemma that one faces before he comes out or denounces something. It is rather a call that asks people to take a stand on matters that are important and relevant. In some rather metaphorical manner it asks or rather provokes to take some side, political or otherwise. You may often feel safe and hearty when you remain neutral, away from the rudeness and sometimes the finesse of the intricate and complex arguments that are disposed off in front of the society from time to time.

But more than anything this piece of poetry moves to unimaginable extents.

Who Will Give Rajbala Her life Back- Congress or Ramdev?

How can the congress government, Ramdev Baba, or Corruption itself be more important than precious life? No one, no one's comments, arguments can give her back the life she lived. Friends value life more than anything else.

People think and say, some don’t think but say, but there are others who have nothing to say. Life is more of a dilemma when you are asked to say something. You would speak your heart out if it were left to you, but when you are asked to say that in person, then you would rather say something political, something illustrious, something rather that sounds good to the ears. Whatever it may be but it is most uncivilised when you talk something to hold your ground and back it up with preposterous arguments and alien logic.

Corruption is a problem but it cannot be more important than life. Life is precious. They broke the neck of a woman, who is now fighting for life. Even if she survives, doctors say she will be paralyzed neck below for life. Police say this was done with minimum force. MMS says this was inevitable. Corruption or no corruption, first its human life. If you can't be a human first then there is no value for talking of values, egos, politics, communal-ism, corruption. Does anyone care? It is the end of the world for that family. What would have happened if a minister's neck were broken? They would run amok and burn down the whole nation (You have history which has witnessed what happens when a leader is killed and the fallout there after.)

It was not a candle lit rally of the celebrities. It was not attended by lip-stick smeared, high heeled, ladies straight out of the beauty parlour. It was not a demonstration of the page-3 urban hobnobbers. It was neither one of the “bhadraloks” who argue with self proclaimed ceremoniousness about anything and everything over the evening tea. It was not of the women who get out of the houses to do social service just because they are bored and their impotent husbands couldn’t satiate them. It had no bollywood in it, where celebrities take off their black goggles when they appear before the camera. It was not of the political leaders who protest in the secure X+ environment with more body guards and policemen disguised in plain clothes than actual protesters. It was not by the ultra-precious babalog. It was not by leaders who in their forties claim to be youth leaders or octogenarians who have the only prop of experience to stand upon. It was not a rally of a person who is named Ramdev. It was not a demonstration of a group named RSS. It was not because she was not anyone among them. She is poor Rajbala. She was there because she felt that it was about corruption. She felt that corruption is a menace and something must be done about it and she was doing that something that she could do and that she felt to be important. Now she is somewhere where she could be nomore anywhere.

Government is a post of servitude. They are servants of the people. They are there to serve people like poor Rajbala. It is often said that the constitution empowers the people. It entitles the people to be the king. Some say that no one is above the constitution of India. Is that a fantastic notion that we are supposed to have? It is just like a precarious paradise that she knew was never there or she was moron enough to believe in it. Does the four lakh hundred crore or whatever value it is quoted give back the life she had? Does the Jan Lokpal Bill give her back her life? Does the government of India’s “it was inevitable notion” give back her life the way it was? Can Sonia, Rahul, MMS, Sibbal, Digvijay, Sushma, Advani, Jaitley, RSS, SRK, Salman, Ramdas, Devdas, Vedvyas and the enlightened media give her back that to her and her family? HELL NO.

They accuse politics, they accuse communalism, they accuse thugs, they accuse dhongi babas, they accuse idiot politicians like the ones mentioned above, rants, comments, accusations , cross accusations, saffron, green, “our party is the best”, corruption, black money, lok pal, hartal, bla bla bla .
No one can better her. No one can solace her family. One can treat it as a LOSS or just as a loss. Dear everyone imagine losing a life the very moment in your family when you decide to talk. Value life more than anything because it is the only thing that you cannot create once you destroy.