
Living life in my own way...
A "Way" that leads to success and to failure.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Can't See

In our day to day life there are certain things that happen and we don't see them. We make ourselves believe that we can't see them. So we don't see them. Things like this may have happened with us but still we feel that there would be someone else who will see it. Well if no one sees it the same way, it never seems seen.

Is sounds confusing, very confusing indeed, when things written in a weird manner as above, are read.

Well what happened yesterday that made me write this? It may seem eventful to no one. It did not seem that way even to me.

I study in a college that is not far away from the railway station. It's winter and chilling out side. Due to some reasons I skipped my dinner and I felt hungry late in the night. It was too late to find any food. And if any, that was available, was cold. I was in no mood to have anything that was cold. So I thought of going to the railway station so that I could have some hot coffee. In our area the railway station is the only place where something is available at the night. I went there with a friend of mine. We went inside and relished a cup each. We chatted through our way back along the platform.

Then we reached the gate and passed by it. Then we reached the stairs. There we saw a young boy on the stairs. He may be hardly 14 years old. He had a normal body but with a pair of very tiny and unusable legs. He was struggling hard to get down the stairs. All the support that he had was with his hands. Each time he climbed down a stair, he lifted his body with his arms, dragged the body with the legs, and with much effort went down a step. At each step he took some rest. He spoke something to himself. And after that he took the next step down.

He took help from none. He did not even have a wheelchair. People looked at him with pity but no one seemed to get bothered. The boy too did not care for anything. Perhaps he has been too much aware of the indifference through out his life. He was crawling and was with torn clothes but still he was no BEGGAR! It may seem that I am very heartless to write that he was not a beggar. I mean associating the word beggar with him. Well it's not just me, but a lot of people consider people on the streets in that condition to be beggars.

And what could I have done that day, at the middle of the night to him so that I would not have felt sorry today. “A lot, if I really wanted, and none, if I don't”. So it is better to escape from the scene, than to be in it and doing something. It is not that I was in some situation which was grave enough for me to not being able to do anything. But still I felt "prudent" to be out of that. Many feel that way. I too did and escaped.

After writing the above paragraphs when I am reading it again I feel like I am dumb and a heartless fellow to justify my indifference with "what many do". What "many do" is that what we should do? Or rather what I should do? Today I could go to the same place and find that boy. May be not and the probability of not finding that boy is more. He may have gone somewhere as he was in a station.

Thinking that I won't find him again, I won't go. Thinking that I have said enough and written enough I may get relaxed. I may feel like I have confessed something and after admitting my indifference may feel like my work is over. May be in some days I could forget the event altogether. Am I "lazy" and "shy"? - two stupid words to describe my indifference. There can be many more.

I would have done things like this many times- just feeling pity on someone and regretting. Things like this are good for nothing.

And we escape just because we "can't see". So I think that if one really wants to help someone, then he must not think anything or wait for anything. But instead he must do it there. For that way he won't regret and do pseudo-confessions like me.

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