
Living life in my own way...
A "Way" that leads to success and to failure.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Gem Just For A Day

A flower is a gem on the crown of nature.
...Even if for a day.
It knows that it has got a life that is short,
Still its nature's most vibrant ray.
It sings, swirls and dances to the tune of the wind, 
Until its dry and gray.
We may have another day to our life, 
But the flower never says "why I can't see the next day?"

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Strange World, Isn't It?

Just because you get clear of something doesn't imply that you do not have your share of woes to fight with.
Just because you can fight on doesn't imply that you need peace.
And just because you smile doesn't imply that you don't have any sorrows.
Strange world, isn't it?...Where people presume a lot knowing nothing about things inside you.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Our Care

We can guard our thoughts, 
Watch them with care....
But can we take them beyond our realm...
Where someone cares for our care.
Never live between "would she" and "wouldn't she",
When you know you deserve her~

Amygdala Hijack

Amygdala is the seat of human emotion. An amygdala hijack exhibits three signs: strong emotional reaction, sudden onset, and post-episode realization that the reaction was inappropriate.

A thorough thought on the fact that just knowing the scientific explanation of a phenomenon does not help you any further in managing the after math of such an outburst (amygdala hijack).

Stretching that out a bit little, we take into consideration a person with exemplary knowledge. When we talk of that exemplary knowledge, we consider him to have apt cognition and consciousness. Now we create a function between his cognition and his behavior. Well, our creation doesn't seem sensible, as we have taken two independent and discrete variables for our purpose. Without beating about the bush, in simpler words, often strangely our behavior deceives our conscious self- STRANGE GAMES THAT OUT NEURONS PLAY VIA THEIR COMPLICATED AND UNDECIPHERABLE CIRCUITS.

The Way Polythene Changed our World.

Looking back to the year 1933, when polythene came into existence in the form we know it today, and changed our lives for good and bad. 27th March - The birth day of polythene!

Polythene's story: The accidental birth of plastic bags

It was at the end of the 19th century when a German scientist, Hans von Pechmann, discovered a waxy residue at the bottom of his test tube. He had little idea of the material's significance; he was not to know that the substance was an early form of what we now use to bottle our shampoo, cocoon our sandwiches and wrap our wires. He had, completely by accident, made polythene, one of the world's most widely used and controversial materials.
The product Von Pechmann made that day in 1899 was virtually identical to the modern chemical and a pair of his colleagues – Eugen Bamberger and Friedrich Tschirner – called it polymethylene. But unlike polythene, which is versatile enough to make hardy and filmic plastics, this waxy resin was not useful in practical terms; and so little was made of it.
Like future volumes of plastic, the Von Pechmann experiment was duly buried. It was not for another 34 years that the people who are officially credited with inventing polythene chanced upon it. But tomorrow, on the 75th anniversary of this discovery, there will be no ticker-tape parades for any inventor of the woebegone plastic. Due to the recent push to eradicate plastic bags, people are more likely to want to forget the occasion.
"Polythene seemed a great boon, not least to the food industry, when it was first invented. But it is now increasingly being seen as a mixed blessing. It has helped improve food hygiene at the cost of environmental degradation. It is a classic example of a short-term fix now unravelling," said Professor Tim Lang, a commissioner for natural resources and land use at the Sustainable Development Commission, of polythene's discovery.
Polythene's innovation – in the form that we now know it – in fact occurred in 1933. It was the work of ICI's Eric Fawcett and Reginald Gibson, who, after waking up one morning and deciding to experiment with gases under high pressure, spotted that part of their apparatus looked like it had been dipped in paraffin wax. Gibson's simple notes, made at the time at the company's base in Northwich, Cheshire, belied their importance: "Waxy solid found in reaction tube."
Two years later ICI developed the means for making polythene on an industrial scale, and shortly afterwards it was used for the first round-the-world telephone cable. During the Second World War, it won near-heroic-status as a vital radar component. It was not until the rise of the British supermarket in the 1950s that it really came into mass use. These stores' indulgences have since been freely criticised. The substance is made from crude oil through a process known as "cracking", and the resultant product essentially comes in two forms: "hard" and "soft", the former being used to bind our pipes and contain our fuel in tanks, the latter to shrink-wrap our sausages and insulate our television cables. In Britain we get through a combined 1.6 million tonnes of both types every year. The results create mountains of landfill. 

Read the rest of this story at the following link:


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Do you want a Japan Like Situation in India?

The following in an extract taken from the Greenpeace Request:

It’s almost two weeks and Japan is still struggling with its natural and nuclear emergency. My thoughts are with the people of Japan. Can you imagine a Japan-like situation in India and the way it would be handled?
India needs to review all its nuclear projects, especially the one in Jaitapur, Maharashtra. Like Fukushima in Japan, Jaitapur is also in an earthquake prone zone.[1] In fact the reactor being used here is still under review in US and UK.[2] In spite of all this, the government plans to go ahead with this plant. [3]

The people of Jaitapur don’t want this plant. [4] Along with people from all walks of life, I am marching to the Parliament on Friday March 25th to deliver the petition opposing the Jaitapur plant to the Prime Minister’s Office. Right now we have over 63,000 signatures. Our target is one lakh signatures and we have just one day.

You should sign this petition to show support for the people in Jaitapur and help us reach the target.

Over one lakh signatures asking for a public consultation on the nuclear liability bill, made the government organise one. We can do this again. Lakhs of signatures supporting the protests in Jaitapur will help put pressure on the government to reconsider this plant.

The sad events in Japan have made the world look again at nuclear technology.[5] This is the right time for India to switch to clean and safe renewable energy options, and maximize the potential of efficient energy use.

Nuclear energy is a gamble which threatens lives and the environment. I am marching to the Parliament on Friday to tell the government that we don’t need dangerous energy. Help strengthen this demand by signing the petition.

Thanks a billion!


1. 20 years, 92 quakes: Ground trembles beneath Jaitapur's feet, Times of India, March 16, 2011

2. Why should Jaitapur be made a guinea pig for untested reactor? DNA, March 17, 2011

3. Maharashtra committed to set up up Jaitapur nuclear power plant: Governor, Times of India, March 14, 2011

4. Stir over Jaitapur Nuclear plant intensifies,, February 27, 2011

5. Jaitapur clearance may be reviewed, Hindustan Times, March 15, 2011  

So please take part in the signature campaign. And join Greenpeace for a campaign towards a better, secure and a green earth.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Do we want to live?

We know what our actions intend. Still we fiddle with nature. Man is so selfish. He just wants to live one generation, knowing the fact that there are lives across generations to live and enjoy what we lived with and for. Do we want them to know that there "was" something beautiful on this planet called green?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The largest moon in ages!

Today they say the moon will appear bigger and brighter than all the previous moons in ages. That certainly is great news for all the sporadic sky watchers like me. People of our breed turn sky watchers very too often. Every now or then, when the news appears of a meteor shower, a comet, an eclipse, planets appearing brighter, planets aligning and learning to be like ants, we venture out into the terraces at the night to see into the skies, what it is that is on news.
Sky watching is sometimes, well rather, all too often, bizarre.  Devoid of telescopes, limited with speck ornamented eyes, we watch and ask each other- “did you see that?” “Oh yes!” And we get answers straight from the theories published in the newspaper clippings, from the stories running on news channels, hearsay and sometimes stories that would have prospered from your own mouth.
Life is crimson hued at its extremes – I mean at its dawn and its dusk. It is all so beautiful when you are a baby because you are cute and innocent, and when you are old (even if you look ugly) because of your intellect and memories which are sweet and sour. We watch into the skies never thinking even for once –where do we stand in the celestial time line?